By 2023, almost all Singapore government services will go digital as a Smart Nation will push picks up momentum for our nation’s digital transformation. What we will see is the future could be governed by autonomous cars and taxis and new senses linked to the internet. As aviation, planes, drones and small satellites will hover freely all over us – the future is open to all possibilities and what hasn’t been achieved lately will perhaps be achieved in the next few years.
For now we are seeing artificial intelligence in domestic security and they will revolutionise the future of policing worldwide by reducing the time needed to capture criminals from hundreds of thousands hours to just one. Welcome to the future of ROBOCOP!
Integrating AI technology into national security would mean new and more efficient ways for police do their jobs. AI advancement will help our Singapore Police Force (SPF) in creating a new generation of security capabilities, making our society safer. With around 50 billion devices expected to be connected to the 8 billion people on the planet, AI will increase communication and connectivity and SPF is making sure our National security will never be breached using AI technology.
For now we are seeing artificial intelligence in domestic security and they will revolutionise the future of policing worldwide by reducing the time needed to capture criminals from hundreds of thousands hours to just one. Welcome to the future of ROBOCOP!
Integrating AI technology into national security would mean new and more efficient ways for police do their jobs. AI advancement will help our Singapore Police Force (SPF) in creating a new generation of security capabilities, making our society safer. With around 50 billion devices expected to be connected to the 8 billion people on the planet, AI will increase communication and connectivity and SPF is making sure our National security will never be breached using AI technology.
With the Forth Industrial Revolution under way, security authorities in Singapore are exploring how to best implement AI to move from an active role to a preemptive one. AI is capable of changing our ideas and vision thanks to such systems that will govern humanity, when borders no longer exist between what is normal and artificial, real and superficial, and human and artificial, AI will put in place mechanisms that can learn, think and take decisions.
On 23 February 2018, a faithful Friday there was a blue, white and red robot roving the grounds mingled with spectators at this year’s Chingay parade. It was a debut public showcase; the Singapore Police Force patrol robot helped the police step up security efforts at Chingay 2018, which expected a 100,000-strong crowd on its first day for the celebration.
The robot was deployed after 8pm to patrol a 400m stretch at the end point of the parade. It, which feeds 360-degree live video back to the command post with its six surround cameras, can be used to detect threats and suspicious characters. The robot was manned by one operator to monitor its video feed on a tablet device.
For crowd disposal the robot has built-in powerful speakers, which can broadcast audio messages to the public. Ms Malathi, assistant director of SPF strategic planning division said, officers can then make sense of those images and deploy forces accordingly. This is the first robot’s first trail by the SPF and it follows a pre-mapped route and is able to avoid obstacles in its way. If successful, it will be deployed in longer operations, such as during the Singapore Formula 1 event.
As this is a government property, any offenders who damage it will be ‘dealt with under the law” said Ms Malathi. The SPF has at least two other robot prototypes in the works. These will indeed be a great way to increase productivity among SPF officers to focus on important assignments and at the same time on alert when duty calls.
On 23 February 2018, a faithful Friday there was a blue, white and red robot roving the grounds mingled with spectators at this year’s Chingay parade. It was a debut public showcase; the Singapore Police Force patrol robot helped the police step up security efforts at Chingay 2018, which expected a 100,000-strong crowd on its first day for the celebration.
The robot was deployed after 8pm to patrol a 400m stretch at the end point of the parade. It, which feeds 360-degree live video back to the command post with its six surround cameras, can be used to detect threats and suspicious characters. The robot was manned by one operator to monitor its video feed on a tablet device.
For crowd disposal the robot has built-in powerful speakers, which can broadcast audio messages to the public. Ms Malathi, assistant director of SPF strategic planning division said, officers can then make sense of those images and deploy forces accordingly. This is the first robot’s first trail by the SPF and it follows a pre-mapped route and is able to avoid obstacles in its way. If successful, it will be deployed in longer operations, such as during the Singapore Formula 1 event.
As this is a government property, any offenders who damage it will be ‘dealt with under the law” said Ms Malathi. The SPF has at least two other robot prototypes in the works. These will indeed be a great way to increase productivity among SPF officers to focus on important assignments and at the same time on alert when duty calls.